Jigsaw Consultants - a group of analytically minded consultants (but not statisticians) with whom Nigel has collaborated on a few projects.
Captive Health - a health related consultancy founded by Andrew Cockayne and with whom Nigel has established an excellent relationship. Nigel is also listed on their team.
PayGaps.Com - Provide software solutions to help employers prepare and analyse their gender pay gap reports. Nigel provides expert statistical advice for their products
Gravity - an award winning marketing agency with a worldwide presence, Nigel has worked with one of the founding partners Tom Golland on many occasions
GeoFeatures - a Bath based geo-statistical consultancy founded by Mark Thurstain Goodwin. Nigel has a longtanding relationship with GeoFutures.
Royal Statistical Society - Nigel runs a number of training courses on behalf of the RSS for their clients.