If someone remarked to you that “the weather is very nice today” or “I didn’t like that person”, it is unlikely that they would have made such statements based on a single variable. It is more likely that a combination of variables were evaluated to arrive at these statements. When we analysis datasets with multiple variables, we are undertaking Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
In this highly practical and interactive course, you will learn the basics of the two types of Multivariate Analysis:-
- Analysis of Correlations between Multiple Variables – Informally known as reducing the dimensionality of your data.
- Analysis of Distance between Many Objects – Informally known as mapping, clustering or segmentation of your data.
You will practice the standard methods of multivariate analysis using publicly available data sets that you can download for free including, weather, opinion polls, demographic data, election results, etc. The course will use the Excel Add-In XLSTAT which has excellent multivariate analysis functionality. You can download a free 14-day use trial version from the AddinSoft website for the course. However, feel free to bring your own statistical software package so that you learn where the equivalent functions are in your package.
Course content:
Morning Sessions
Session 1: How multivariate analysis differs from univariate and the distinction between Q-analysis & R-analysis.
Session 2: How to use and interpret PCA (Principal Components Analysis) & MCA (Multiple Correspondence Analysis)
Afternoon Sessions
Session 3: What are distance metrics and how to apply & interpret MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling)
Session 4: How to use and interpret AHC (Agglomerative Hierarchal Clustering) & K-Mean Clustering
Booking a course.
To book a training course, call 01225 489033 or email training@marriott-stats.com.
On occasion, we will run 1 or more of our standard courses as a public course available to all. These take place throughout the year in the beautiful city of Bath. Discounts are available for people booking more than 1 day. See our list of scheduled training courses available to book online now.